Tuesday 25 February 2014

Sunshine at last

After stormy, windy and very dark days, there were some long sunny spells on monday and I came across several stirring insects during my daily wanderings. A cold queen Bombus terrestris on the windowsill, with the tiny sprightly springtail, Entomobrya sp, possibly nivalis, on a walkabout around her.
 Then I disturbed a moth in the front garden, the plume moth Amblyptilia acanthadactyla.
But the best find was a very fresh looking peacock settled on the pavement by a fence, with is pictured at the top of the post.
Entomobrya sp.
Bombus terrestris queen.
The plume moth Amblyptilia acanthadactyla

1 comment:

Guillermo García-Saúco Sánchez said...

I just fell in love with that plume moth.